Thank You Letter after 2nd Interview

03 五月

Dear …
I would like to express my gratitude towards the opportunity to speak with you today about the [job title]. As this was my second interview, I enjoyed learning more about the position avenues.

After our discussion, I am convinced that my competencies are a good match for the job requirements and believe I have a lot to offer.
If selected, my [A,B,C] experience and [D,E,F] skills can make a positive contribution to the team goals and that is why I am very interested in this opportunity.
As you requested, I am enclosing [documents].
I hope they are received by you in a positive light.

Please contact me if you need more information about my background and qualifications.
Again, thank you for your time, consideration and for all your efforts to arrange this (second) interview.
[Your Name]

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